Sunday, January 3, 2010

No resolutions

At the beginning of each year I am just like everyone else and deciding that January 1st somehow makes things different and allows us a chance to become better people then we were the day before. This year I am not making those resolutions. No, I have not become cynical, or given up on the idea of becoming better. In fact I have embraced this idea on a daily basis. I know I can be better, or thinner or nicer, or whatever it is that gives us the New's Years Resolutions lift in spirits. I have just decided that living in each day is my spirits resolution and this is not a January event. Each day I look at what I am doing at the moment and make a conscious decision that if it does not bring me joy, enhance my life, give me a moment of beauty, or anything else that brings a smile to my face then I won't be doing it. Now don't go off all half cocked thinking I am quitting my job. Nope, although that would be nice, it enhances my life by putting my children through college so it meets the requirements. My conscious decision might be that I am not happy with the extra 5 lbs that I gained this Christmas so I will work out today instead of planting my ass on the sofa after dinner. Maybe that is just taking a walk with the dog or working in the garden but I will do something that enhances my life. Life being lived. If I am not happy today then that is my fault. If I can't find something in my day that is worth smiling about then why couldn't I? There has to be at least one moment I can smile - and if not I need to make someone else smile- and why not both.

I do not have one follower for this blog. Doesn't matter to me. This is about working on a true love of mine- my writing. This blog is more of a journal that allows me to work out all these feelings of where am I and where am I going that comes with changes in your life. If someone would like to read along please feel free to. Again, if I can relate to one person and maybe make you smile and say "wow someone else feels this way too"

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